So proud of you!

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Caryn Rivadeneira

You warm my little lesbian heart, my friend! Lunch! Soon!

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Caryn Rivadeneira

Thank you for this. And for being a voice in the wilderness.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Caryn Rivadeneira

Thanks for writing! I'm reading and listening. I hope that this is the least of what Jesus would do.

I want everyone to know about Jesus. We should not stand in the way! I've invited hundreds of men incarcerated to come to our church. I'm simply trusting God for their acceptance. I have not invited the gender questioning although our family struggles with issues such as this. I guess I'm waiting for the opportunity to invite. Maybe I should look for an opportunity.

I really don't want to study the Synodical proclamation. I'm far too lazy. I do want to talk about how we can welcome people who are different than us. Whenever I feel like "they should be like me", I realize that I'm the only one who is me. It gets lonely. Ha! But Jesus knows my name.

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As a former (50 years ago) Evangelical pastor, seminary professor, and then "christian" psychologist I've traveled the path of leaving religion and finding faith. The final straw in my leaving was when I officiated at a wedding for 2 lesbians. All this is a very long story that I've included in my upcoming memoir "Hearts Wide Open - Leaving Religion, Finding Faith"

Being true to yourself is more important that getting the validation of your church

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