Sometimes I see Democrats online lamenting the fact that people like Bill Kristol, Liz Cheney, and Michael Steele are speaking more consistently and vehemently than a lot of the Democrats' own representatives and senators. My response is -- we former Republicans know now we were sold a bill of goods. Naive we may have been, but we honestly believed once that the conservative movement had honor and principles and good goals. We were lied to and betrayed; we saw people we cared about and worked with basically zombified into turning against us, turning against their own professed beliefs, and believing and spewing the most monstrous lies. You BET we're mad and we're not going to shut up about it. Hell hath no fury ...
You're welcome. ;-)
Sometimes I see Democrats online lamenting the fact that people like Bill Kristol, Liz Cheney, and Michael Steele are speaking more consistently and vehemently than a lot of the Democrats' own representatives and senators. My response is -- we former Republicans know now we were sold a bill of goods. Naive we may have been, but we honestly believed once that the conservative movement had honor and principles and good goals. We were lied to and betrayed; we saw people we cared about and worked with basically zombified into turning against us, turning against their own professed beliefs, and believing and spewing the most monstrous lies. You BET we're mad and we're not going to shut up about it. Hell hath no fury ...
You were the inspiration behind this, my friend. And others, of course. But the prayer thing… you know? Grateful for you!
Aw, thanks!!
I appreciate your voice, convictions & courage. It’s hard to not feel hopeless. Thanks for using your talent to speak up!!